Our Hospitals

Northern Health Foundation cares for its community by supporting the hospitals and centres that provide a wide range of health services across the north. 

Northern Health Foundation works to support the varied and growing needs of our northern community by raising vital funds towards the purchasing of life-changing equipment, capital works, research and training for the hospitals and centres it supports.  

Northern Hospital

Northern Hospital Epping manages the busiest Emergency Department (ED) in Victoria. In 2024, the ED treated over 116,000 patients, and supported over 195,000 patients in the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department (VVED). Northern Health also cares for over 122,000 hospital admissions each year (with almost 34,000 arriving by ambulance) and assists with the delivery of over 3,200 babies.

Broadmeadows Hospital

Broadmeadows Hospital is a member of Northern Health. It is an integrated healthcare centre with different providers offering a variety of services under one roof. Broadmeadows Hospital hosts aged care beds, rehabilitation beds, palliative care beds, day procedure unit beds, renal dialysis chairs and mental health beds.

Bundoora Centre

Bundoora Centre provides high-quality and responsive health care services to older and disabled people. Bundoora Centre has a full range of specialist medical, nursing, allied health and psycho-social services designed to meet the changing needs of people living in, but not exclusive to, the northeast metropolitan region of Melbourne.

Craigieburn Health Service

Craigieburn Health Service is an alternative to hospital-based services for many day procedures and outpatient visits. It is able to treat people for a range of health conditions that require specialist medical care, but do not require an overnight stay in hospital. Services provided include: renal dialysis, day medical procedures, oncology, specialist medical clinics diagnostic services, allied health and rehabilitation services.

Kilmore District Hospital

The Kilmore District Hospital (KDH), provides a range of services including acute, residential aged care and home and community based services. KDH has recently amalgamated with Northern Health, meaning our services now stretch far and wide into the north, allowing us to continue caring for the northern community and the patients who need our support.